We’ve Moved!

The DSANI office is now located at:

3320 N. Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, IN  46805 

Please note that the mailing address will remain the same at:  DSANI, PO Box 13611, Fort Wayne, IN  46865

We’re excited to be located at Turnstone, as we hope this location will be more central for our families.  Turnstone is also in the process of offering more programming for individuals with intellectual disabilities – which is very exciting!

We’d love for you and your family to stop by and say hello!  The office is in the Pediatric Wing. Enter the “original” building, and let the front desk know you are there for DSANI.

Don’t forget that, in addition to resource materials, we also have a lending library of books, DVD’s, etc. for your use – and we are adding new titles all the time!